With your generosity we can continue to develop and improve veejay.
Please consider making a donation via PayPal to nwelburg at gmail dot com
Alternatively, you can send us an arbitrary number of cryptocoins:
BTC: 1PUNRsv8vDt1upTx9tTpY5sH8mHW1DTrKJ
FTC: 6i4G4C9jEZuL6R7vSspZ6JMAUP2zb6M1Yu
WDC: Wmq62NdA4CKSrYQ63DuQxtE1enh5xPjo8g
LTC: LcccLQCB7DbqGj9u52urRjVi43yYz7WeND
DVC: 1DtYKQx6kLnCxX5S8atf6b3dD42A2UavvE
We encourage everyone to contribute back into the project, whether by investing time (development work, writing documentation, providing examples, etc) or by a monetary contribution. If you exploit veejay (or parts of veejay) commercially, please consider investing back into the project.
If you are willing to send us a hardware donation, please contact us with a description of the hardware you like to give. Niels (the lead developer) is a collector of old (pre 1990) computer hardware and enjoys restoring and repairing old home computers in the lost evening hours.
You are welcome to document what you did with veejay.
The veejay website is maintained over at github.
We love samples of your work as either video or images. Let us know, and we'll give it a prominent place on our website, or better - YOU can give it a prominent place - see the section above.
Second, we're video geeks, not design folks. Maybe you can spare us some of your frontend skills and help out with the template for this website? let us know!