##Full list of veejay's events and FX
VIMS Syntax: '<selector>:<arguments>;'
Use arguments according to FORMAT
FORMAT controls the arguments as in C printf. Interpreted sequences are:
%d integer
%s string
VIMS selector 001 'Increment index of Effect List'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Step size
VIMS selector 002 'Decrement index of Effect List'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Step size
VIMS selector 003 'Put selected effect in Effect List to current sample and current entry'
VIMS selector 004 'Print current settings'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (depends on playmode, 0=current playing)
VIMS selector 005 'GU Get a list of all tracks (unadvised!)'
VIMS selector 006 'Camera/Projection calibration setup'
VIMS selector 008 'Toggle grayscale preview on/off (default=off)'
VIMS selector 010 'Play forward'
VIMS selector 011 'Play backward'
VIMS selector 012 'Play stop'
VIMS selector 013 'Skip N frames forward'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of frames
VIMS selector 014 'Skip N frames backward'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of frames
VIMS selector 015 'Skip N seconds forward'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of seconds
VIMS selector 016 'Skip N seconds backward'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of seconds
VIMS selector 017 'Go to starting position'
VIMS selector 018 'Go to ending position'
VIMS selector 019 'Set current frame number'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Frame number
VIMS selector 020 'Change trickplay speed'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Frame step
VIMS selector 021 'Change frameduplication'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Frame repeat
VIMS selector 022 'Start built-in UDP mcast server (YUV planar)'
VIMS selector 023 'Stop built-in UDP mcast server'
VIMS selector 020 'Change trickplay speed depending on play direction'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Frame step
VIMS selector 033 'Macro keystroke recorder/playback'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Keep or reset (1=reset)
Argument 1 is Macro status (0=disabled,1=record,2=playing)
VIMS selector 034 'Select a bank to store macro keystrokes'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Bank ID
VIMS selector 040 '(OUT) Write video output to (special) file in yuv4mpeg format'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 041 '(OUT) Stop writing video output to yuv4mpeg file'
VIMS selector 042 'TCP: Send a frame to a connected veejay client'
VIMS selector 045 'OUT: Start writing video output to a vloopback device'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Vloopback pipe number
VIMS selector 046 'OUT: Stop writing to vloopback device'
VIMS selector 047 'Push current playing sample or stream as viewport input'
VIMS selector 048 'Set render depth, use 1 to render chain entries 0,1 and 2 of underlying sample, use 2 to toggle on/off'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Depth switch
VIMS selector 050 'Paste frames from buffer at frame into edit descision list'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is EDL position
VIMS selector 051 'Copy frames from edit descision list to buffer'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is EDL start position
Argument 1 is EDL end position
VIMS selector 052 'Delete frames from editlist (no undo!)'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is EDL start position
Argument 1 is EDL end position
VIMS selector 053 'Crop frames from edit descision list to buffer'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is EDL start position
Argument 1 is EDL end position
VIMS selector 054 'Cut frames from edit descision list to buffer'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is EDL start position
Argument 1 is EDL end position
VIMS selector 055 'Add video file to edit descision list'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 056 'GU Append a file to the plain EDL and create a new sample (unadvised!)'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is existing or new ID
Argument 1 is Filename
VIMS selector 058 'Save (selection of) edit descision list to new file'
FORMAT: '%d %d %s', where:
Argument 0 is EDL start position (0=start position)
Argument 1 is EDL end position (0=end position)
Argument 2 is Filename
VIMS selector 059 'Load edit descision list from file'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 080 'Execute VIMS bundle'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Bundle ID
VIMS selector 081 'Delete a VIMS bundle'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Bundle ID
VIMS selector 082 'Add a new bundle to the event list'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Bundle ID (0=new, 1=overwrite existing)
Argument 1 is VIMS text
VIMS selector 083 'Attach/Detach a Key to VIMS Event'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %s', where:
Argument 0 is VIMS ID
Argument 1 is SDL Key symbol
Argument 2 is SDL Key modifier (0=none,1=alt,2=ctrl,3=shift)
Argument 3 is VIMS message
VIMS selector 084 'Veejay load action file'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 085 'Veejay save action file'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Mode (0=only Bundles,1=save edl/sample list)
Argument 1 is Filename
VIMS selector 086 'Capture Effect Chain to a new Bundle'
VIMS selector 100 'Create a new sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Starting position
Argument 1 is Ending position
VIMS selector 101 'Select and play sample'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
VIMS selector 102 'Change looptype of sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Looptype (0=None,1=Normal,2=Pingpong)
VIMS selector 103 'Change title of sample'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Title
VIMS selector 104 'Change playback speed of sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Speed (0=pause, > 0 and < (end-start)
VIMS selector 105 'Change start position of sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Frame number
VIMS selector 106 'Change end position of sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Frame number
VIMS selector 107 'Change frame repeat for this sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Frame repeat
VIMS selector 108 'Set in point in sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Position
VIMS selector 109 'Set out point in sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Position
VIMS selector 110 'Set in and out points in sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Starting position
Argument 2 is Ending position
VIMS selector 111 'Clear in and out points'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
VIMS selector 112 'Enable effect chain of sample'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
VIMS selector 113 'Disable effect chain of sample'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
VIMS selector 120 'Delete sample'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID >= 1
VIMS selector 121 'Delete all samples (caution!)'
VIMS selector 125 'Load samples from file'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 126 'Save samples to file'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 127 'Copy sample to new'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
VIMS selector 130 'Start recording from sample'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of frames (0=sample duration)
Argument 1 is Auto Play (0=disable, 1=enable)
VIMS selector 131 'Stop recording from this sample'
VIMS selector 143 'Set sample's starting and ending position'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Starting position
Argument 2 is Ending position
VIMS selector 144 'Switch between loop types'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = Sample ID)
Argument 1 is Looptype (0=None, 1=Normal, 2=Pingpong)
VIMS selector 145 'Change KF play status for entry X'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Entry ID
Argument 1 is Status value
VIMS selector 146 'Get keyframes for parameter Y on entry X'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Entry ID
Argument 1 is Parameter ID
VIMS selector 145 'Clear KF series on entry X'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Entry ID
VIMS selector 150 'Store current frame as starting position of new sample'
VIMS selector 151 'Store current frame as ending position of a new sample ( and commit )'
VIMS selector 160 'Increase projection/camera point'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is X increment
Argument 1 is Y increment
VIMS selector 161 'Decrease projection/camera point'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is X increment
Argument 1 is Y increment
VIMS selector 162 'Set a viewport point using scale'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Point number
Argument 1 is Scale factor
Argument 2 is X
Argument 3 is Y
VIMS selector 163 'Get viewport points using scale'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Grid size
VIMS selector 164 'Push viewport to secundary input'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is On/Off
Argument 1 is Color=0, Grayscale=1
VIMS selector 201 'Select and play stream'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID >= 1
VIMS selector 202 'Change RGB color of solid stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Red
Argument 2 is Green
Argument 3 is Blue
VIMS selector 203 'Change title of stream'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Title
VIMS selector 207 'Set brightness value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 208 'Set constrast value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 207 'Set hue value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 210 'Set color value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 211 'Set white balance value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 212 'Set ficticious stream length'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of frames
VIMS selector 213 'Disable effect chain of stream'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
VIMS selector 211 'Set saturation value for Video4linux stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Value 0-65535
VIMS selector 220 'Delete stream'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID >= 1
VIMS selector 228 'Start offline recording from stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
Argument 1 is Number of frames
Argument 2 is Auto Play (0=disable,1=enable)
VIMS selector 229 'Stop offline recording from this stream'
VIMS selector 230 'Start recording from stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Number of frames
Argument 1 is Auto Play (0=disable,1=enable)
VIMS selector 231 'Stop recording from this stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
VIMS selector 240 'Open video4linux device as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Device Number (0=/dev/video0,1=/dev/video1, ... )
Argument 1 is Channel Number (0=TV,1=composite,2=svideo)
VIMS selector 241 'Open dv1394 device as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Channel number
VIMS selector 242 'Solid RGB color fill as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Red
Argument 1 is Green
Argument 2 is Blue
VIMS selector 243 'Open yuv4mpeg (special) file as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 245 'Open TCP veejay connection (peer to peer, raw data) as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Port number
Argument 1 is Hostname or IP address
VIMS selector 246 'Open UDP multicast as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Port Number
Argument 1 is Multicast Address
VIMS selector 247 'Open image from file as new input stream'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 254 'Suspend Veejay (caution!)'
VIMS selector 300 'Set audio volume'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Volume 0-100
VIMS selector 301 'Enable / Disable Fullscreen video output'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is On = 1, Off=0
VIMS selector 302 'Set codec to use for recording (global setting)'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Codec name (use 'x' to see list)
VIMS selector 303 'Change playback mode'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Playback (2=plain,1=stream,0=sample)
VIMS selector 305 'Switch between sample and stream playback'
VIMS selector 307 'Enable audio playback'
VIMS selector 307 'Disable audio playback'
VIMS selector 308 'Set current sample bank'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Bank number
VIMS selector 309 'Play stream or sample slot (depends on current playmode)'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Slot number
VIMS selector 315 'Start sample randomizer'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Mode (0=Random duration, 1=Sample duration)
VIMS selector 316 'Stop sample randomizer'
VIMS selector 320 'Start recording now and play when finished'
VIMS selector 321 'Stop recording'
VIMS selector 322 'Start recording'
VIMS selector 323 'Change between box or triangle filter for sampling purposes'
VIMS selector 324 'Bezerk mode toggle '
VIMS selector 325 'More/Less verbosive console output'
VIMS selector 326 '(OUT) Resize SDL video window'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Width
Argument 1 is Height
Argument 2 is X offset
Argument 3 is Y offset
VIMS selector 327 'Change playback mode'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Playback mode (0=sample,1=stream,2=plain)
VIMS selector 328 'Play sample / stream'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Source type (0=sample,1=stream)
VIMS selector 329 'Change YUV <-> RGB conversion (unadvised)'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Mode (0=GIMP,1=CCIR701,2=broken)
VIMS selector 330 'Save output frame to file'
FORMAT: '%d %d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Width
Argument 1 is Height
Argument 2 is Filename
VIMS selector 331 'Editlist cache mode toggle'
VIMS selector 001 'GU Get preview image (raw RGB24)'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Width
Argument 1 is Height
VIMS selector 334 'Enable/Disable sync correction'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is 0=off,1=on
VIMS selector 335 'Change playback engine framerate'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Multiple by 100 (ie. for 25fps, use 2500)
VIMS selector 339 'Take current frame as Mask for this Effect'
VIMS selector 340 'Set sequence play on or off'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Status 0=off,1=on
VIMS selector 341 'Add a sample to the sequence'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Seq ID
Argument 1 is Sample ID
VIMS selector 342 'Del sample from sequence slot'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Seq ID
VIMS selector 350 'Increment current Channel ID on selected chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Increment vale
VIMS selector 351 'Decrement current Channel ID on selected chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Decrement value
VIMS selector 352 'Enable or disable Effect Chain for ALL samples or streams'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is On = 1, Off= 0
VIMS selector 353 'Enable Effect Chain'
VIMS selector 354 'Disable Effect Chain'
VIMS selector 355 'Reset Effect Chain'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
VIMS selector 356 'Fade in effect chain'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Duration in frames
VIMS selector 357 'Fade out effet chain'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Duration in frames
VIMS selector 358 'GU Get effect chain'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
VIMS selector 359 'Set Chain Index'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Index value
VIMS selector 360 'Add effect to chain entry with default values'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
Argument 2 is Effect ID
VIMS selector 361 'Preset effect on chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current
Argument 2 is Effect ID
Argument 3 is Parameter 0
Argument 4 is Parameter 1
Argument 5 is Parameter 2
Argument 6 is Parameter 3
Argument 7 is Parameter 4
Argument 8 is Parameter 5
Argument 9 is Parameter 6
Argument 10 is Parameter 7
VIMS selector 362 'Set a parameter value'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
Argument 2 is Parameter number
Argument 3 is Value
VIMS selector 363 'Enable effect on chain index'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
VIMS selector 364 'Disable effect on chain index'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
VIMS selector 365 'Reset effect to default'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
VIMS selector 366 'Set mixing channel'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
Argument 2 is Sample ID
VIMS selector 367 'Set mixing source type'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
Argument 2 is Source Type (0=sample,1=stream)
VIMS selector 368 'Set mixing channel and source type'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
Argument 2 is Source Type (0=sample,1=stream)
Argument 3 is Sample or Stream ID
VIMS selector 369 'Reset chain index'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index (-1=current)
VIMS selector 370 'Set opacity of Effect Chain'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Opacity value [0-255]
VIMS selector 371 'Decrement current FX chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Decrement value
VIMS selector 372 'Increment current FX chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Increment value
VIMS selector 373 'Change source type of a chain entry'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Chain entry
Argument 1 is Source type (0=Sample, 1=Stream)
VIMS selector 374 'Increment current value of a parameter'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Parameter number
Argument 1 is Step size
VIMS selector 375 'Decrement current value of a parameter'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Parameter number
Argument 1 is Step size
VIMS selector 376 'Enable / disable Effect Chain'
VIMS selector 377 'Enable / disable effect on current entry'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
VIMS selector 388 'Print help in OSD (if available)'
VIMS selector 399 'Print copyright'
VIMS selector 390 'Set font position'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is X position
Argument 1 is Y position
VIMS selector 391 'Set font color'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Red
Argument 1 is Green
Argument 2 is Blue
Argument 3 is Alpha
Argument 4 is 0=Transparent 1=BG 2=FG
VIMS selector 392 'Set font type and font size'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Font type
Argument 1 is Font size
VIMS selector 393 'Add a subtitle sequence'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %d %d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Subtitle sequence (0=new)
Argument 1 is Start position
Argument 2 is End position
Argument 3 is X position
Argument 4 is Y position
Argument 5 is Text
VIMS selector 394 'Delete a subtitle sequence'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Subtitle sequence
VIMS selector 395 'Update a subtitle sequence'
FORMAT: '%d %d %d %s', where:
Argument 0 is Subtitle sequence
Argument 1 is Start position
Argument 2 is End position
Argument 3 is Text
VIMS selector 396 'Export subtitles to SRT'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 397 'Import subtitles from SRT'
FORMAT: '%s', where:
Argument 0 is Filename
VIMS selector 398 'Select a subtitle sequence'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Subtitle sequence
VIMS selector 399 'Toggle OSD status'
VIMS selector 400 'GU Get video information details'
VIMS selector 401 'GU Get all effects'
VIMS selector 402 'GU Get EDL'
VIMS selector 403 'GU Get all bundles'
VIMS selector 405 'GU Get a list of all streams (unadvised!)'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is stream offset
VIMS selector 408 'GU Get a list of all samples (unadvised!)'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is sample offset
VIMS selector 409 'GU Get video4linux properties'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Stream ID (-1=last created, > 0 = Stream ID)
VIMS selector 410 'GU Get effect chain index details'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Chain Index
VIMS selector 411 'GU Get all VIMS events'
VIMS selector 412 'GU Get console output'
VIMS selector 413 'GU Get sample or stream information (unadivsed!)'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Source Type (0=sample,1=stream)
VIMS selector 414 'GU Get sample options'
FORMAT: '%d %d', where:
Argument 0 is Sample or Stream ID (0=current playing, -1=last created, > 0 = ID)
Argument 1 is Source Type (0=sample,1=stream)
VIMS selector 415 'GU Get all devices and their locations'
VIMS selector 416 'GU Get list of loaded fonts'
VIMS selector 417 'GU Get list of loaded subtitle sequences'
VIMS selector 418 'GU Get subtitle sequence'
FORMAT: '%d', where:
Argument 0 is Subtitle sequence
VIMS selector 418 'GU Get list of sample sequences'
VIMS selector 420 'GU Get all keys'
VIMS selector 600 'Quit Veejay (caution!)'
VIMS selector 600 'End sessions with veejay'
Veejay OSC
When using strings, set it *always* as the first argument
----- The OSC address space -----
/video/play: play foward
/video/reverse: play reverse
/video/pause: pause
/video/speed: speed ( < 0 = reverse, > 0 = forward)
/video/slow: slow
/video/goto_start: goto start
/video/goto_end: goto end
/video/set_frame: set frame <pos>
/video/prev_frame: set previous frame
/video/next_frame: set next frame
/video/next_second: set next second
/video/prev_second: set previous second
/video/mode: play plain video
/sample/new: create new sample <pos start> <pos end>
/sample/copy: copy sample <num> as new sample
/sample/del: delete sample <num>
/sample/select: select and play sample <num>
/sample/set/jitter: relative start/end position update <pos1> <pos2>
/sample/set/start: set sample new starting position <pos>
/sample/set/end: set sample new ending position <pos>
/sample/set/looptype: sample set looptype <0 = none, 1 = normal, 2 = bounce>
/sample/set/speed: sample set playback speed <num>
/sample/set/marker: sample set marker <pos1> <pos2>
/sample/set/slow: sample set frame duplicate <num>
/sample/set/nomarker: sample delete marker
/sample/rec/start: sample start recording <0=entire sample, N=num frames> <0=dont play 1=play>
/sample/rec/stop: sample stop recording
/sample/rec/format: sample set recorder format (mjpeg,mpeg4,dv,divx,yv12,yv16)
/stream/select: stream select and play <num>
/stream/rec/o_start: hidden record from stream <num frames> <autoplay bool>
/stream/rec/o_stop: stop hidden recording
/stream/rec/start: start stream recorder <num frames> <autoplay bool>
/stream/rec/stop: stop stream recorder
/stream/rec/format: set stream recorder format (mjpeg,divx,dv,yv12,yv16,mpeg4)
/stream/new/v4l: new video4linux input stream <device num> <channel num>
/stream/new/solid: new solid color stream <R> <G> <B>
/stream/new/y4m: new yuv4mpeg input stream <filename>
/stream/new/mcast: new multicast input stream <address> <port>
/stream/new/net: new peer-to-peer input stream <hostname> <port>
/chain/reset: Effect chain clear
/chain/fade_in: Fade in effect chain <num frames>
/chain/fade_out: Fade out effect chain <num frames>
/chain/enable: Effect chain enabled
/chain/disable: Effect chain disabled
/chain/opacity: Manual Fader (0=A 255=B
/chain/global_fx: All Effect chains on/off (1/0)
/out/mcaststop: Stop mcast frame sender
/out/mcaststart: Start mcast frame sender
/cl/load: Samplelist load <filename>
/cl/save: Samplelist save <filename>
/el/add_sample: Editlist add filename (as new sample)
/el/paste_at: EditList paste frames from buf at frame <num>
/el/copy: EditList copy frames <n1> to <n2> to buffer
/el/del: EditList delete frames <n1> to <n2>
/el/crop: EditList crop frames 0 - <n1> <n2> - end
/el/cut: EditList cut frames <n1> to <n2> into buffer
/el/add: EditList add file <filename>
/el/save: EditList save <filename>
/el/load: EditList load <filename>
/arg/set: Set argument <num> to value <num> for effect on entry <num>
/entry/disable: Disable effect chain entry <num>
/entry/enable: Enable effect chain entry <num>
/entry/clear: Clear effect chain entry <num>
/entry/select: Select effect chain entry <num>
/entry/defaults: Set effect default values on chain entry <num>
/entry/preset: Preset an effect on chain entry
/entry/channel: Select channel <num> for mixing effect on entry <num>
/entry/source: Select source (0=sample,1=stream) for mixing effect on entry <num>
/output/resize: Resize SDL video window <width> <height>
/output/fullscreen: Toggle SDL video window fullscreen/windowed
/config/sampling: Configure sampling mode (linear=0 or triangle=1)
/config/verbose: Toggle verbose output mode
/config/bezerk: Toggle bezerk mode
...end of OSC address space.
Below follow all effects in Veejay,
Effect numbers starting with 2xx are effects that use
*two* sources (by default a copy of itself)
Use the channel/source commands to select another sample/stream
to mix with.
[effect num] [effect name] [arg 0 , min/max ] [ arg 1, min/max ] ...
0 Dummy Frame
Color 0 0 - 7
201 Overlay Magic
Mode 0 1 - 32
202 Luma Magick
Mode 0 1 - 39
Opacity A 1 0 - 200
Opacity B 2 0 - 200
203 Map B to A (substract background mask)
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Mode 1 0 - 1
Show mask/image 2 0 - 2
Thinning 3 1 - 100
204 Normal Overlay
Opacity 0 0 - 255
205 Luma Key
Feather 0 0 - 255
Min Threshold 1 0 - 255
Max Threshold 2 0 - 255
Distance 3 1 - 720
Mode 4 0 - 2
206 Chroma Key (RGB)
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Mode 4 0 - 1
Noise suppression 5 1 - 6300
207 Chroma Magic
Mode 0 0 - 25
Value 1 0 - 255
208 Opacity by Threshold
Mode 0 0 - 2
Threshold A 1 0 - 255
Threshold B 2 0 - 255
Opacity 3 0 - 255
209 Splitted Screens
Mode 0 0 - 13
Switch 1 0 - 1
210 Colored Border Translation
Size 0 1 - 288
Color 1 0 - 7
211 Frame Border Translation
Size 0 1 - 288
212 AlphaLuma Overlay
213 Transition Translate Opacity
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Width 1 0 - 720
Height 2 0 - 576
Ay 3 0 - 576
Ax 4 0 - 720
By 5 0 - 576
Bx 6 0 - 720
214 Transition Translate Carot
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Mode 1 0 - 1
Point size 2 1 - 720
By start 3 1 - 576
By end 4 1 - 576
Row 5 1 - 720
215 Transition Line
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Line width 1 1 - 720
Distance 2 2 - 720
Mode 3 0 - 1
216 Transition Translate Blend
Mode 0 0 - 30
Width 1 1 - 720
Height 2 1 - 576
Ax offset 3 1 - 720
Ay offset 4 1 - 576
Bx offset 5 1 - 720
By offset 6 1 - 576
217 Transition Fade to Color
Opacity 0 1 - 255
Color 1 0 - 7
Frame length 2 1 - 3000
Mode 3 0 - 1
218 Transition Fade to Color by RGB
Opacity 0 1 - 255
Red 1 1 - 255
Green 2 1 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Mode 4 0 - 1
Frame length 5 1 - 3000
219 Replace Pure White
220 Simple Mask (black and white)
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Mode 1 0 - 1
221 Threshold blur with overlay
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Min Threshold 1 0 - 255
Max Threshold 2 0 - 255
222 Overlay by Threshold Range
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Min Threshold 1 0 - 255
Max Threshold 2 0 - 255
223 Transparent Chroma Key (RGB)
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Opacity 4 0 - 255
Noise level 5 0 - 3500
224 Transition Wipe
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Increment 1 0 - 25
225 Tracer
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Buffer length 1 1 - 25
226 Magic Tracer
Mode 0 0 - 30
Length 1 1 - 25
227 Strong Luma Overlay
Mode 0 1 - 13
228 Blend by Color Key
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 256
Green 2 0 - 256
Blue 3 0 - 256
Blend mode 4 0 - 7
Noise suppression 5 0 - 3500
229 Complex Threshold (fixme)
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Smoothen 4 0 - 4
Threshold 5 0 - 255
230 Out of Sync -Replace selection-
Vertical size 0 1 - 575
Mode 1 0 - 1
Framespeed 2 1 - 250
231 Horizontal Sliding Bars
Divider 0 1 - 576
Top Y 1 0 - 576
Bot Y 2 0 - 576
Top X 3 0 - 576
Bot X 4 0 - 576
232 Vertical Sliding Bars
Divider 0 1 - 576
Top Y 1 0 - 576
Bot Y 2 0 - 576
Top X 3 0 - 576
Bot X 4 0 - 576
233 Displacement Map
X displacement 0 1 - 720
Y displcement 1 1 - 576
Mode 2 0 - 1
234 Binary Overlays
Mode 0 0 - 10
235 Dissolve Overlay
Opacity 0 0 - 255
236 Normal Overlay (per Channel)
Opacity Y 0 0 - 255
Opacity Cb 1 0 - 255
Opacity Cr 2 0 - 255
237 Videoplay (timestretched mosaic)
Photos 0 2 - 10
Waterfall 1 1 - 250
Mode 2 0 - 3
238 VideoWall / Tile Placement
Photos 0 0 - 10
X Displacement 1 0 - 720
Y displacement 2 0 - 576
Lock update 3 0 - 1
239 Map B from threshold mask
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Reverse 1 0 - 1
240 Map B to A (bitmask)
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Reverse 1 0 - 1
Show 2 0 - 1
241 Picture in picture
Width 0 8 - 720
Height 1 8 - 576
X offset 2 8 - 720
Y offset 3 8 - 576
242 Chameleon BlendTV
Mode (Appear,Dissapear) 0 0 - 1
243 RadioActive EffecTV
Mode 0 0 - 6
Zoom ratio 1 50 - 100
Strength 2 0 - 255
Difference Threshold 3 0 - 255
244 Map B to A (sub bg, texture map))
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Reverse 1 0 - 1
Show mask 2 0 - 4
Thinning 3 1 - 100
Min blob weight 4 1 - 5000
245 Water ripples
Refresh Frequency 0 1 - 3600
Wavespeed 1 1 - 16
Decay 2 1 - 31
Mode 3 0 - 6
Threshold (motion) 4 0 - 255
100 Dummy Frame
Color 0 0 - 7
101 Mirror
H or V mode 0 0 - 5
102 Multi Mirrors
H or V 0 0 - 3
Number 1 0 - 237
103 Width Mirror
Widths 0 2 - 720
104 Flip Frane
H or V 0 0 - 1
105 Posterize (Threshold Range)
Posterize 0 1 - 256
Min Threshold 1 0 - 256
Max Threshold 2 0 - 256
106 Negation
Value 0 0 - 255
107 Solarize
Threshold 0 1 - 255
108 Hue and Saturation
Degrees 0 0 - 360
Intensity 1 0 - 256
109 Gamma Correction
Gamma 0 0 - 500
110 Soft Blur (1x3) and (3x3)
Kernel size 0 0 - 1
111 RevTV (EffectTV)
Line spacing 0 1 - 576
Vertical scale 1 1 - 720
Luminance intensity 2 0 - 255
Color range 3 0 - 7
112 Dices (EffectTV)
Mode 0 0 - 5
113 SmuckTV (EffectTV)
Mode 0 0 - 14
114 Filter out chroma channels
Mode 0 0 - 2
115 Various Weird Effects
Mode 0 0 - 10
116 Matrix Dithering
Mode 0 2 - 255
Value 1 0 - 1
117 Raw Data Manipulation
Mode 0 0 - 4
Value 1 1 - 255
118 Raw Chroma Pixel Replacement
Old Cb 0 0 - 255
Old Cr 1 0 - 255
New Cb 2 0 - 255
New Cr 3 0 - 255
119 Transform Cubics
Cubics 0 1 - 36
120 Fibonacci Downscaler
Mode 0 0 - 1
Fib 1 1 - 8
121 Bump 2D
Value 1 0 1 - 256
Value 2 1 1 - 256
Mode 2 0 - 1
122 Rotozoom
Mode 0 0 - 8
Rotate 1 0 - 255
Zoom 2 0 - 255
Automatic 3 0 - 3
123 Shift pixel values YCbCr
Mode 0 0 - 9
Value 1 0 - 255
124 Overlay Scratcher
Opacity 0 0 - 255
Scratch buffer 1 1 - 24
PingPong 2 0 - 1
125 Magic Overlay Scratcher
Mode 0 0 - 9
Scratch frames 1 1 - 24
PingPong 2 0 - 1
126 Matte Scratcher
Mode 0 0 - 25
Value 1 0 - 255
Length 2 0 - 25
Pingpong 3 0 - 1
127 Distortion
Inc 1 0 0 - 8
Inc2 1 0 - 8
128 Grayscale by Color Key
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
129 Black and White by Threshold
Min threshold 0 0 - 255
Max threshold 1 0 - 255
130 Complex Invert
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Noise suppression 4 0 - 3500
131 Complex Saturation
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Intensity 4 0 - 360
Degrees 5 0 - 256
Noise suppression 6 0 - 3500
132 Isolate Color
Angle 0 5 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
White 4 0 - 255
133 Sharpen
Value 0 0 - 2048
134 Amplify low noise
Mode 0 0 - 2
Amplification 1 1 - 10000
135 Contrast
Mode 0 0 - 2
Intensity 1 1 0 - 255
Intensity 2 2 0 - 255
136 Motion blur
Frames 0 0 - 1000
137 Sinoids
Mode 0 0 - 1
Sinoids 1 0 - 1000
138 Average
Value 0 1 - 100
139 Ripple
Waves 0 1 - 3600
Amplitude 1 1 - 80
Attenuation 2 1 - 360
140 Bathroom Window
H or V 0 0 - 1
Value 1 1 - 64
141 Slice Window
Slices 0 2 - 128
Mode 1 0 - 1
142 Zoom
Width 0 0 - 720
Height 1 0 - 576
Factor 2 10 - 100
Mode 3 0 - 1
143 Pencil Sketch (8)
Mode 0 0 - 8
Min Threshold 1 0 - 255
Max Treshold 2 0 - 255
144 Deinterlace (yuvkineco)
Value 0 0 - 255
145 Pixel Raster
Mode 0 0 - 1
Size 1 1 - 40
146 Color Enhance
Intensity Y 0 0 - 255
Intensity U 1 0 - 255
Intensity V 2 0 - 255
147 Enhanced Magic Blend
Mode 0 0 - 7
Min threshold 1 1 - 255
Max threshold 2 1 - 255
148 Noise Pencil
Mode 0 0 - 3
Amplification 1 1 - 10000
Min Threshold 2 0 - 255
Max Threshold 3 0 - 255
149 RippleTV (EffectTV)
Refresh Frequency 0 1 - 3600
Wavespeed 1 1 - 16
Decay 2 1 - 32
150 Pixelate
Pixels 0 1 - 27
151 Magic Mirror Surface
X 0 0 - 360
Y 1 0 - 288
X 2 0 - 100
Y 3 0 - 100
152 Pixel Smear
Mode 0 0 - 3
Value 1 0 - 255
153 Grid
Grid size 0 4 - 144
154 Fish Eye
Value 0 -1000 - 1000
155 Swirl
Degrees 0 1 - 360
156 Radial Blur
Radius 0 0 - 90
Power 1 0 - 100
Direction 2 0 - 2
157 Chromium
Mode 0 0 - 3
158 Chrominance Palette (rgb key)
Angle 0 1 - 900
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Chroma Blue 4 0 - 255
Chroma Red 5 0 - 255
159 U/V Correction
Angle 0 1 - 360
U Rotate Center 1 0 - 255
V Rotate Center 2 0 - 255
Intensity U 3 0 - 100
Intensity V 4 0 - 100
Minimum UV 5 0 - 255
Maximum UV 6 0 - 255
160 Radial cubics
Radius 0 2 - 72
Value 1 1 - 90
161 Cartoon
Damp Y 0 1 - 255
Damp U 1 0 - 255
Damp V 2 0 - 255
162 Nervous
Buffer length 0 0 - 25
163 Morphology (experimental)
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Operator 1 0 - 8
Repeat 2 0 - 1
164 Video Blobs
Radius 0 1 - 360
Blobs 1 1 - 100
Speed 2 1 - 100
Shape 3 0 - 1
165 Video Boids
Radius 0 1 - 360
Blobs 1 2 - 256
Shape 2 0 - 1
Cohesion 3 0 - 100
Seperation 4 0 - 100
Alignment 5 0 - 100
Speed 6 1 - 100
Home Radius 7 1 - 360
166 Motion Ghost
Opacity 0 16 - 255
167 ZArtistic Filter (Oilpainting, acc. add )
Brush size 0 2 - 16
Smoothness 1 1 - 255
Mode (Luma/Chroma) 2 0 - 1
168 ZArtistic Filter (Oilpaint, acc. avg)
Brush size 0 2 - 16
Smoothness 1 1 - 255
Mode (Luma/Chroma) 2 0 - 1
169 ZArtistic Filter (Horizontal strokes)
Line size 0 2 - 32
Smoothness 1 1 - 255
Mode (Luma/Chroma) 2 0 - 1
170 ZArtistic Filter (Round Brush)
Radius 0 2 - 32
Distance from center 1 1 - 200
Smoothness 2 1 - 255
Mode (Luma/Chroma) 3 0 - 1
171 ZArtistic Filter (Vertical strokes)
Stroke size 0 2 - 32
Smoothness 1 1 - 255
Mode (Luma/Chroma) 2 0 - 1
172 vvCutStop
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Frame freq 1 0 - 255
Cut mode 2 0 - 1
Hold front/back 3 0 - 1
173 vvMaskStop
Negate Mask 0 0 - 1
Swap Mask/Frame 1 0 - 1
Hold Frame Frequency 2 0 - 255
Hold Mask Frequency 3 0 - 255
174 Photoplay (timestretched mosaic)
Photos 0 2 - 10
Waterfall 1 1 - 250
Mode 2 0 - 3
175 Flare (Glow)
Mode 0 0 - 5
Opacity 1 0 - 255
Radius 2 0 - 100
176 Constant Luminance Blend
Mode 0 0 - 31
Threshold 1 0 - 500
Constant 2 16 - 235
177 Color mapping
Red 0 0 - 255
Green 1 0 - 255
Blue 2 0 - 255
178 Goom
Mode 0 0 - 10
Value 1 100 - 5000
179 Colored Morphology
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Operator mode 1 0 - 8
Repeat 2 0 - 1
180 Color Flash
Frametime 0 0 - 50
Red 1 0 - 255
Green 2 0 - 255
Blue 3 0 - 255
Delay 4 1 - 10
181 RGB Channel
Red 0 0 - 1
Green 1 0 - 1
Blue 2 0 - 1
182 Automatic Histogram Equalizer
Channel (Y,U,V,All) 0 0 - 1
Intensity 1 0 - 255
Strength 2 0 - 255
183 Color Histogram
Mode (R,G,B,All) 0 0 - 3
Draw 1 0 - 1
Intensity 2 0 - 255
Strength 3 0 - 255
184 Motion Mapping
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Reverse 1 50 - 10000
Draw 2 0 - 1
History 3 2 - 200
Capture length 4 0 - 255
185 TimeDistortionTV (EffectTV)
Mode 0 5 - 100
186 ChameleonTV (EffectTV)
Appearing/Dissapearing 0 0 - 1
187 BaltanTV (EffecTV)
Stride 0 2 - 16
Mode 1 0 - 1
188 Contour extraction
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Mode 1 0 - 1
Show image/contour 2 0 - 2
Thinning 3 1 - 100
Min weight 4 1 - 5000
189 Lens correction
Alpha X 0 1 - 1000
Alpha Y 1 1 - 1000
Direction 2 0 - 1
190 Substract background (static, requires bg mask)
Threshold 0 0 - 255
Mode 1 0 - 1